Saturday, July 27, 2013

Best Friend Away...

I am SAD. My best friend, Acy, left to go to Honduras for a while, and let's just say, the sky (which is definitely NOT blue) matches my mood. When I'm talking about Acy, the word (phrase...?) "best friend" does not even BEGIN to describe our bond. A more accurate term, or a term that would do more justice, would be something more like... SISTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I meant every one of those exclamation points!!!! (and the ones over there too. Let's just say that every exclamation point is, well, I don't know... TRUE.)
Is it normal to feel this bad??? I sure hope not! Then I, of all people, would be classified as *shudder shaking entire body* NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The N Word!!!! But anyway, I suppose this post is 40% adrenaline, 50% fear (Honduras has the highest murder rate in the WORLD, people!!) and about 20% jealousy (Yes, I do know that it adds up to 110%, THAT'S HOW BAD I FEEL!!!!!) But anyway, I need to wrap this up. DUTY CALLS!! *salute and snicker)

Missing anyone?

Katilicious (also known as Kat)

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